Audi Q5   Controls   Parking aid  Audi parking system plus
The Audi parking system plus is a parking aid with acoustic signals and graphic display.
Sensors are located in the front and rear bumpers. When the sensors detect an obstacle, you are alerted by acoustic signals (beeps) and a graphic display. The measuring range of the sensors starts at about:
0.90 m
1.20 m
0.60 m
1.60 m
The acoustic signals sound with increasing frequency as you approach the obstacle. A warning tone will sound continuously when the vehicle is less than approx. 0.30 m away from the obstacle. Stop moving immediately!
The volume of the warning beeps will be gradually reduced after about 4 seconds if the vehicle remains at a constant distance from a detected obstacle (it will not be reduced if the obstacle is closer than 0.30 m).